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제목 Certified Organic Quattro Eyeshadow Croisette 2016-11-23 17:51:42
카테고리 makeup
대표이미지 certified-organic-eye-shadow_Croisette_large.jpg (file size 26KB)
작성자 ntsoft
조회 722


Intensity blends with luminosity in Antonym Eye Shadow. The long lasting, smooth formula is created with light accentuating pigments that enhance colors by providing added depth. The pigments are characterized by intensity, radiance and a silky texture, which ensure ultimate and supreme color performance.


Rich in color, Antonym Eye Shadow has a velvety finish.  Easy to apply, the versatile formula blends evenly and can be applied for shading, highlighting and lining the eye.  Ideal for the most sensitive skin.

Our Quattro palettes brighten eyes with shade combinations of providing intensity and contrast. Festive for evening and radiant for day.

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이전 Certified Organic Baked Foundation Light 2015-07-17 18:42:37
다음 Certified Organic Mascara Lola Lash TOO 2016-11-23 17:52:36

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